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Friday, September 5, 2008

Taking Off with this blog in the sky of Internet.

In the name of my Family, Love & Unborn Love ... I wish to offer the good, human, sense & effective content in this blog.

5th September 1980 is the day I born & I have decided to start this blog as tool to showcase & offer a change for the betterment of environment around us, through my normal intellect on this day in 2008. Its a logical timely understanding not any superstitious date syndrome in me.

I wish to start this 1st post with an honest advice to everyone irrespective of their age or relationship.

" Never ever LIE in ur life, howsoever, with beloveds or at job. It hurts real bad & may charge happiness of life."

It hurts often shortly or in long term for sure. Hope you will atleast modify to be true to your loved ones. I assure TRUTH PAYS.

We, the Humans, advanced of living beings, are responsible gardeners & guards of this beautiful planet 'The Earth'.

We all have Material & Emotional needs basically to live a normal life. Those who can have & make use of them sensibly, I called them "Priviledged" & those who don't "Under Privileged".

I intend to offer new posts every sunday with honesty & logical matter with absolute awareness of your time to read my blog.

We have been through so much information on web we actually concentrate on any known or read stuff. But sometimes even casual or regular stuff may have some new & good worthy information.

I hope to deal with almost all the topic we have in our minds but in parts.

I am because of comments so please do comment on my posts as its you will encourage me to be better by the time & be human to make humans around.